Resume & Contact

jerome gippet

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021 692 41 93



“Patterns of distribution, human-mediated dispersal and intraspecific variations in urbanized landscapes: Responses of ants to urbanization” PDF

Lab: LEHNA, Ecology of natural and anthropized hydrosystems
Supervisors: Nathalie MONDY and Bernard KAUFMANN

M.Sc. Ecology, Microbial ecology, Evolution, specializing in Ecology, Evolution and Biometry, University of Lyon, France.



  • Second year: “Secondary spread of the invasive ant Lasius neglectusin an urbanized landscape”
    Advisor: Bernard Kaufmann.
  • First year:“Environmental factors shaping ants assemblages in an invasion context”
    Advisor:Bernard Kaufmann.

Bachelor Biology of organisms and populations, University of Lyon, France.



  • “Myrmecochoric dispersal by Myrmica sabuleti of the endangered violet Viola hispida »”
    Advisor:Bernard Kaufmann.
  • “Beneficial interactions between two invaders: the japanese knotweeds Fallopia spp and the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus”
    Advisor:Bernard Kaufmann.

Technical and IT skills

  • Field techniques:
    Sampling of ants with several protocols (e.g. direct search, baits, pitfalls) in urban and natural contexts
    Ant supercolony’s area measurement
  • Lab skills:
    Behavioral experiments (foraging behavior, aggressiveness in a supercolonial species)
    Taxonomic identification of ants
    Common garden experiments (rearing of Lasius niger gynes)
    Myrmecochory experiments (Myrmica sabuleti, Viola hispida).
  • Molecular biology techniques:
    DNA extraction (Chelex) and amplification (Cytochrome Oxydase I and microsatellites)
    RNA extraction and Reverse transcription
    RT qPCR (Heat Shock Protein genes).
  • IT skills:
    Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS 10.1, QGIS, R)Statistical analysis with R
    Genetic data analysis (R adegenet, Structure, POPTREE2, seaview)
    Programming (R, Python)
    Illustration (R, Inkscape)

Supervision of students

  • 2016
    Supervisor of Barthélémy Richoux (Master 1, University of Lyon 1) and Baptiste Bunouf (Master 1, University of Lyon 1):
    “Morphological variation among urban and rural populations of the urban tolerant ant Lasius niger”
  • 2015
    Supervisor of Django Maurel (Master 1, University of Angers), Jérémy Monsimet (Master 1, University of Rennes 1), Tommy Faure-Brac (Master 1, University of Grenoble) and Camille Blain (Master 1, University of Saint Etienne):
    “Impact of urbanization on ant colonies density”
  • 2014
    Supervisor of Jordan Galli (Master 1, University of Montpellier 2) and Sylvestre Rivière (Master 1, University of Rennes 1):
    “Impact of urbanization on ant colonies density”

Teaching Experience

Teaching assistant at the university of Lyon 1 (192h):
  • Animal biology
  • Behavioral ecology (M.Sc.)
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Entomology


  • 2015
    Research project Grants (5000 €) from Complex systems institute (IXXI):
    “MoRIS: Modeling human-mediated secondary spread of invasive species”
  • 2014
    Inter-Labs research funding (5000€) from FR41 (Bio Environnement Santé, Lyon):
    “HSP genes expression in urban and rural populations of the ant Lasius niger”
  • 2013
    Lab transversal funding (1700 €):
    “Eco-physiological and genetic variations among urban and rural conspecifics of the ant Lasius niger”
  • Three years thesis grant (60,000 €), ED 341, Lyon. French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research.


  • French Native language
  • English Professional working proficiency
  • Spanish Fluent
word cloud of ants